What is ORMUS?

Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs (also M-state materials), and ORMUS, are beneficial alkaline mineral supplements that can support good health, when taken appropriately. They have been called “liquid yoga”, “nourishment of light”, and “the food of the Gods”.



WIthin Formulations

Most all of our products at Windhorse Botanicals contain a degree of ORMUS



Benefits of Use

ORMUS activates and opens your third eye, scientifically known as the Pineal Gland. This may increase psychic, telepathic, empathic and clairvoyant abilities. It also helps to induce the Theta brain state and hemi-sync (balancing the left and right brain hemispheres).



Collection or Creation

Our products are created in the safest and more expansive way. Ormus can come from ocean water, river water, soil and volcanic ash, the skins and seeds of raw fruits and vegetables, and also from the platinum group metals themselves.


“ORMUS is believed to be solidified light, and are multidimensional.”